In many projects, developed using Java technologies Java Server Pages (JSPs) was the standard for the presentation layer for a long time. Among many other things JSPs has the features of a template processor. The biggest shortcoming of this technology is the possibility to insert business logic in the presentation code. Thus, we can insert into the JSP document scriptlets or even Java code blocks. Although this can help us in certain situations, the code becomes rapidly complex and hard to maintain. Because of shortcomings...
EHCache : Implementation of Java in-memory object cache
The in-memory caching system is designed to increase application performance by holding
frequently-requested data in memory, reducing the need for database queries to get that
data. For One of application requirement, I need a Java in-memory object caching that can replace HashMap based caching system. I need to extend the cache to include basic features like max size and time to live but don't bother about caching server or persistence.
I have investigated following options:
Guava CacheBuilder...
JqueryUI Autocomplete
Autocomplete is a technique used in modern websites to suggest a list beginning with few character that user typed in text box. The user can select an item from the list to complete the word or sentence.
jQueryUI provides the autocomplete() method to create a list of
suggestions below the input field and adds new CSS classes to the
elements concerned to give them the appropriate style.
The autocomplete() method can be used in two forms:
$(selector, context).autocomplete (options) Method
$(selector, context).autocomplete...